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News & Events: Herp Photo of the Day: Happy Rattlesnake Friday! . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Sand Boa . . . . . . . . . .  Herp Photo of the Day: Iguana . . . . . . . . . .  Chicago Herpetological Society Meeting - Feb 16, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  San Diego Herp Society Meeting - Feb 18, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  Suncoast Herp Society Meeting - Feb 22, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  DFW Herp Society Meeting - Feb 22, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  Bay Area Herpetological Society Meeting - Feb 28, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  Southwestern Herp Society Meeting - Mar 01, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  Greater Cincinnati Herp Society Meeting - Mar 05, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  Calusa Herp Society Meeting - Mar 06, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  St. Louis Herpetological Society - Mar 09, 2025 . . . . . . . . . .  Colorado Herp Society Meeting - Mar 15, 2025 . . . . . . . . . . 

Advertising Services and Rates

Established in 1997, is one of the oldest, largest, and busiest pet-related web communities on the Internet, generating almost half a million page views daily. Whether you're a hobbyist breeder, retail store, gift shop. or a cage manufacturer, advertising on can give a new business the head start it needs to succeed and help existing businesses build and maintain brand presence in the reptile and amphibian community.

Classified Advertising Services

A classified account is the single most cost-effective way to sell your products to the users of and to reach thousands of reptile hobbyists around the world every day. Every month thousands of ads are placed and viewed by hundreds of thousands of reptile owners, hobbyists, and businesses in the US and worldwide. Our classifieds give you the ability to link your image into your advertisement, upload your own photos to the advertisement, preview the ad before posting, and remove the ad once sold. Our classifieds also support html, so you can customize your advertisement. Classified accounts are available in both a Standard Account with basic features, and an Enhanced Account with advanced features designed to help advertisers post and track their ads.

Standard Account

- Post up to 6 ads per day per section
- Upload up to 3 photos in each ad
- Link to photos in your photo gallery account
- Link to photos on your own web site
- Link to your own website
- Icon on index indicates photo was uploaded or included with ad
- Use HTML coding in body of ad
- Advanced SPAM fighting features
- Stored name, email and more make posting quick and easy
- Easily re-list expired ads
Enhanced Account
* all the features of a Standard Account plus...

- Ad listings in bold on section index
- Ad listings on selectable colored background on section index
- Thumbnail of uploaded photo or enhanced camera icon (for images attached using 'Optional Image URL' field) on index
- Admin panel counter showing total views of individual ads
- Email notification of expiration of ads
- Option of logo instead of name in text on index and in ads
- Use Enhanced Account features on ConnectedByPets FREE ads

Classified Account Pricing:
  • 1 Month Standard Account $20.00
  • 3 Months Standard Account $35.00
  • 1-Month Enhanced Account $50.00
  • 3-Month Enhanced Account $85.00

Purchase a Classified Account here.

Site Tools

Manage - manage your user and advertising accounts
Register For A User Account Click Here
Manage Your User Profile Click Here
Reset Your Password Click Here
Change Your Email Click Here
Manage Your Banner Account/View Stats Click Here
Manage Your Business Directory Listing Click Here
Mark Your Business Directory Listing As Updated Click Here
Manage Your Classified Account Click Here
Post A Classified Advertisement Click Here
Remove A Classified Advertisement Click Here
Purchase - advertising and services purchase quick links
Purchase a classified account$20.00-$250.00Click Here
Renew a classified account$20.00-$250.00Click Here
Upgrade to an enhanced classified$ variesClick Here
Purchase a business directory listing$50.00 a yearClick Here
Purchase a banner advertisement$ variesClick Here
Purchase a standard event listing$25.00 a listingClick Here
Pay an open invoice Click Here
Contact the sales department Click Here
Support - help, tips, & resources quick links
Classified Account Terms Of Service Click Here
Classified Help Click Here
Classified Tips Click Here
Classified Complaints Click Here
Banner Ad Help Click Here
DBA Search Click Here
Business Name Registration Verification Click Here
Are you registered? To advertise here using a business name you must have your legal business name registration verified. Click here for details on the program or to register your business FREE!

Business Directory Listing Services

Looking for a reptile or amphibian related business? A reptile store, breeder, importer, maunfacturer or supplier?

Our business directory lists some of the most popular herp businesses in the world. And they appear in the headers and footers of just about every page of, as well as at numerous other locations, tabs, and listings. It's the best value of any advertising option on, and it's safe to say that your link will appear thousands of times on our sites every day, making it easy for our site users -- and search spiders -- to locate your business website. And with our new species-specific and product-specific directory tabs appearing in all our classifieds and forums, those links are now highly targetable to specific market segments within the reptile and amphibian community. business directory

Locate a reptile or amphibian business by name:
• Predator Foods
• Kentucky Reptile Expo
• Apet Inc.
• Jungle Bob's Reptile World
• International Reptile Conse...
• Florida Iguana & Tortoise B...
• LLL Reptile - San Diego
• LLL Reptile - Peoria
• LLL Reptile - Menifee
• LLL Reptile - Las Vegas
• Zoo Med Laboratories, Inc.
• Zeigler Animal Feeds
• Florida Iguana & Tortoise B...
• California Zoological Suppl...
• Xtreme Exotics
• The Big Cheese Rodent Facto...
• Northwest Zoological Supply
• Mouse Works LLC
• International Reptile Conse...
• Jungle Bob's Reptile World

Business Directory Listing includes:
- Direct link to your website on kingsnake main site index
- Direct link to your website in kingsnake business directory
- Detailed business listing in kingsnake business directory
- Direct link to site in Connected By Pets business directory
- Detailed business listing Connected By Pets in business directory
- Direct link to your website in kingsnake header pulldown
- Direct link to your website in kingsnake footer pulldown
- Direct link to your website on 'New/Updated' tabs sitewide
- Link to listing in kingsnake classified account
- Ability to add your link to Updated lists through user account
- Click tracking counter to see how many visitors you have received
- Spidered by major search engines daily!
- Most cost-effective fixed kingsnake advertising option available

Business Directory Service Pricing
$50.00 for 12 months (.14¢ per day)

  • Usually activated within 24 hours
  • Manage your listing online
  • Add Keywords to target specific markets
  • Add your Facebook, YouTube, Twitter links
Register with a Credit Card or PayPal
Web Site URL

Please enter a single sentence to describe
your business and the products you carry.


Event Listing Services

Reptile event listings on are a commercial service for businesses, with listings currently priced at $25.00 each, or four for $75.00. To maximize your events exposure on, event listings are located in a variety of locations and tabs around the website including the main index entry points, as well as scrolling the next 10 upcoming events in the header news scroll.

Reptile event listings for non-profit organizations are free. Contact the events coordinator for more info.

You will be contacted after your purchase by our staff to submit your specific event listing information.

  Single Event Listing - $25.00 per listing
  Four Event Listings - $75.00 - only $18.75 per listing!

Purchase Event Listings here

Upcoming Reptile & Amphibian Events

Splash Text Advertising Services

Splash text annoucements are the bold text annoucements with fixed static links across the top of virtually every page on, delivered and viewed 400,000 times on average every day (more on weekdays). Commonly used by commercial advertisers to announce special sales and events, and by for general site announcements, these are an effective and inexpensive way to announce an event, or a new product or business to everyone on all at once.

There are three lines of splash text announcements on, lines 1 & 2 being optioned first to advertisers.
  • Buy on a one-time basis or under a monthly/annual contract.
  • You may choose the color of your splash text advertisment.
  • View live click-through stats in our banner system.
  • Ad must fit a 990-pixel wide area, using Arial font in bold.
  • Ad copy will not be posted in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
To reserve a splash text ad, please contact our sales department.
Splash Text Pricing

$100.00 per 24 hrs. - Monday Through Friday                                      $50.00 per 24 hrs. - Saturday and Sunday

Current Availability:
Sunday Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday
sold sold sold sold sold sold sold
available available available sold available available available

Sample Splash Text

The Best Size For A Good Short Splash Text - If Your Message Fits Here - you have 990 pixels width
Font Size 4
This Is A Good Choice of Font Size For A Medium Splash Text If Your Message Fits Here - you have 990 pixels width
Font Size 3
This Splash Text Size Will Fit A Lot Of Words But Is So Small To Some Your Message May Get Lost - you have 990 pixels width
Font Size 2

Display Advertising Services
CPM Banner Options (Per View)

CPM, or per thousand views, display advertising on is available above the fold, in 3 IAB supported formats, Leaderboard Banner, Medium Rectangle Banner, and Full Banner. Leaderboard banners appear at the very top of the site and may be targeted by a number of vertical regions. Full Banners and Medium Rectangle Banners are run of site. CPM Full Banners appear midpage, above the fold, on the left. Medium Rectangles appear above the fold on the top right and are the first Medium Banner unless otherwise indicated. All CPM banners appear on main indexes, entryways, and exits to the site and the majority of the site. CPM banners have exacting delivery and your purchased number of views will be delivered on an hourly basis, guaranteeing delivery and expiration as expected.

Purchase a leaderboard banner advertisement$1.00 per 1000 viewsClick Here
Purchase a full banner advertisement$  .50 per 1000 viewsClick Here
Purchase a medium rectangle banner advertisement$2.00 per 1000 viewsClick Here

Pool Banner Options

To offer a low cost, flat rate, banner opportunity on some of's more popular pages we have created several "Banner Pools" where for a fraction of the normal cost of banners, companies can make a small investment and still get a big display ad presence. The way it works is that all banner pool banners are loaded as defaults, and each banner in the pool gets roughly the same number of banner views every day from the total number delivered by the Pool Banner location. As the banner locations get multi-thousands of views daily but your cost remains the same (from .7 to .27 cents per day), your business will get several dollars worth of display advertising for pennies every day.

Purchase a $25.00 Pool BannerClick Here
Purchase a $30.00 Pool BannerClick Here
Purchase a $50.00 Pool BannerClick Here
Purchase a $100.00 Pool BannerClick Here
Purchase a Pool Banner 4 Pack
(one of each pool banner)
Click Here

CPM Banner Specificatons
Type Width Height File SizeFile Type
Leaderboard 728 pixels 90 pixels 60k max jpg, gif, png
Medium Rectangle 300 pixels 250 pixels 60k max jpg, gif, png
Full Banner 468 pixels 60 pixels 40k max jpg, gif, png

Pool Banner Specificatons
Type Width Height File SizeFile Type
$100 Pool Banner 300 pixels 250 pixels 40k max jpg, gif, png
$ 50 Pool Banner 468 pixels 60 pixels 40k max jpg, gif, png
$ 30 Pool Banner 234 pixels 60 pixels 20k max jpg, gif, png
$ 25 Pool Banner 120 pixels 60 pixels 10k max jpg, gif, png