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Classified Advertising Account

|| General || Registration || Lost Passwords || Password Doesn't Work ||
|| Terms of Service || How to Prevent Multiple Posts ||
|| How To Post an Image || How to Post Your Link ||
|| Can I use HTML in my post? || About Auto-relist ||

General Information

This support information is provided for holders of paid classified accounts

Account Registration

In order to post to the paid section of's classifieds you must first be a registered site user, then you must upgrade your user account by purchasing a classified ad upgrade. You can register for the site for free at

To upgrade your user account to have classified access you can register online.

Once your funds have been received it usually takes anywhere from 1 to 10 hours for the account to be approved and activated

Terms Of Service - Classified Account

Our classified system has a series of rules and regulations regarding their use. Before you begin posting ads, please review the Terms of Service located at

I just purchased a classified account, how long will it take to be activated?

  • If your user account is less than 1 year old it will take 10 hours to review your purchase and activate your classified account.
  • If you have been a registered user for a year or more our system will activate your account in less than an hour.
How will I know when my classified account has been activated?

  • If the email address tied to your username is valid you will receive an activation email once your account is live.
  • An activation email will also be sent to you email account. You can check that at
  • If your account has been activated you should be able to log in and post classified ads.
  • If you haven't received your account activation notice and your account still doesn't work 24 hours after purchase please contact the classified department.
Why didn't my post show up?

  • Your post most likely did not show up, because your browser did not reload the page, it simply pulled it out of cache. Please reload the page in your browser and it should then appear.
  • You may have taken too long to create your ad and the system timed out.
  • Your photo may be too large for our system. Photos must be 500 kb or smaller.

How do I change/edit a classified ad I posted?

You can't. You will need to remove the advertisement and repost it.

How do I delete a classified ad I posted?

Once you have logged into the classified system, go the the "My Ads" link and review the ads you currently have posted, select the ad you wish to delete and select delete.

How do I relist a classified ad that has expired?

Once you have logged into the classified system, go the the "My Ads" link, review the ads you currently have posted, select the ad you wish to relist and select relist.

How long will my ad stay up?

When you post your ad you are give the option of setting the ad's expiration date either 2 days, 7 days, 15 days, or 30 days

Why am I not notified that my ads are going to expire?

You need to purchase an enhanced classified account in order to receive notification of your ads expiring. If you have purchased an enhanced classified account, then you must make sure that you have a valid email address set in your profile.

Why do messages from the contact form not get through to me?

You have mispelled your email address, or your ISP is not allowing you to accept mail from our servers.

You'd be amazed how may people add 'www.' to the beginning of their email address, or use commas (,) instead of periods. Check and double check the spelling of your email address when submitting a classified. Some overzelous/misguided ISPs may view email from our contact forms as spam and will block these messages.

Lost Password

If you have lost your account password you can have the password reset and re-sent by going to

Password Doesn't Work/Quit Working

There are 2 main reasons why a classified account doesn't work/has stopped working:

  1. The account is brand new and hasn't been activated yet. Once an account has been activated an activation notice is automatically sent to the email address that the username has been registered under. If you have just purchased an account, it doesn't work, and you have not received this activation notice, please wait 72 hours before contacting us.

  2. The account has expired and needs to be renewed. Check your receipts and verify that your account has or hasn't expired. If it has expired you can re-register at

How to prevent posting the same post multiple times.

Perhaps the most commonly seen problem is that of multiple posting. Generally this occurs because people post, then use the BACK button of their browser to view the index page. When this happens your web browser(Netscape or Internet Explorer) loads the page NOT from the website, but from the CACHE the browser sets up on your local hard drive. This was the page you originally viewed and NOT the page that exists on the website. Hit the RELOAD button on your browser. The page may or may not show the updated version with your post at the top. If it doesn't you must "flush" the browser's cache manually. Please consult the browsers HELP file for instructions.

How do I post an image in my post?

In order to place an image(s) in your post, the image may be uploaded from your computer, or linked to an image that already exists on the web.

You may upload any .gif or .jpg, less than 500kb directly to your ad.

Once you click on the browse button, you will get an explorer window, locate the file you want on to place on your ad and click Open.


Often an attempt to post an image in a classified ad or message board post is unsuccessful, usually resulting in the broken image symbol below...

To prevent this from occuring in your post make sure of the following:

  • you have the proper image file format
    (the filename must end in .gif or .jpg to be displayed by web browsers)
  • each image is is less than 500kb
  • make sure there are no special characters in the file name
How to post an image from your web site in your post

Below are examples of the way your image entry needs to look. Make sure to input the full address, including the http://

Image Examples
Optional Image URL:
Optional Image URL:


Often an attempt to post an image from another web site is unsuccessful, usually resulting in the broken image symbol below...

To prevent this from occuring in your post make sure of the following:

  • The file has been uploaded to your website or directory
  • The proper permissions have been set to make your directory viewable on the web
  • you have entered the proper address of the image file on your website
  • you have the proper image file format
    (the filename must end in .gif or .jpg to be displayed by web browsers)

How to post your webpage link in your post.

Sometimes an attempt to post a website link is unsuccessful and either is not listed in the post or points to the wrong location or address. To prevent this from occuring in your post make sure of the following:

  • The files have been uploaded to your website or directory
  • The proper permissions have been set to make your directory viewable on the web
  • you have entered the proper address of the index or main file on your website
Below are examples of the way your webpag entry needs to look. Make sure to input the full address, including the http://
Web Page Examples
Web Page URL:

HTML Information

Can I put html tags anywhere in my posts?

No. You can NOT use HTML tags in any field except body of the message.

You can use HTML tags in the body of the message, including inline image tags, and links.

You cannot change the posts background color.

At the end of each line the script automatically adds a line break tag

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language with hyper text referring to its ability to "associate" or "link" one document to another. HTML as originally designed was meant to be the great leveling language that allowed a variety of different types of computers to view the same documents in roughly the same format and layout. This is what made the World Wide Web work. Until the development of HTML both use of, and access to, the internet was limited.

It would be silly for us to offer even a basic .html primer here, when so many sites are devoted to it. Below is a list of good .html resources that gives you a variety of places to find answers.

  HTML Reference Material


The basics:

Auto relisting of ads is available to enhanced classified account holders. Auto relisting means that you can have an ad automatically reposted after it expires. This will interest you if you often post/relist the same ad over and over again.


In the "My Ads" interface you can select individual ads for relisting. Under the heading "[ Auto-relist ]" will be a link that says "Enable" or "Disable". If you you click on Enable you will be presented with a screen which allows you to flag that ad for Auto-relisting. If you click on a "Disable" link that will remove the Auto-relist flag for that specific ad.

Further Information:

Please note that enabling Auto-relist on an expired ad does not mean it will be re-posted immediately. Our system checks for and reposts expired ads twice daily and your ad will be reposted then. To immediately repost your ad please click on the "Relist" link under the "[ Action ]" heading. You will also be able to enable Auto-relisting of the ad in the screen you are presented with.

Ads Auto-relisted will count toward your 3 Ad per Category per Day totals. If you have manually posted/relisted 3 ads in a given category, then your Auto-relist ads for that category will not be posted that day. Our system will attempt to relist ads flagged for auto relisting for 15 days after they expire. If the ad hasn't been reposted after 15 days it will be deleted.

Ads will Auto-relist indefinitely. What this means is, until you "Disable" Auto-relist or delete the ad it will continue to be relisted everytime it expires.

Why was my ad removed?

Ads are hidden by moderators of our classified systems for a variety of issues usually prohibited by our Terms of Service contract. Any time an advertisement is removed our systems automatically generate an email to the account holder. As these messages are generalized messages sometimes they may be difficult to understand or see how they apply to your advertisement. For a clarification as to why your ad was removed please contact the classifieds department.

Why was my add moved?

Ads are moved by moderators of our classified systems when they appear to have been placed in an incorrect or inappropriate classified section.

What is the Classified Vendor Directory?

The Classified Vendor Directory is a free listing of classified account vendors that have filled out their classified account profile.

How do I activate my Classified Vendor Directory listing?

You will need to log in to your classified account and fill out the classified account profile form entries to populate your profile. Once your have updated your profile data it may take a couple hours for all the databases to update and your listings to appear.

We hope this helps to answer your questions. We will be adding to our support page as new questions are asked.


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