In yet another victory on behalf of the reptile community by USARK, the changes to the Lacey Act hidden deep in the America COMPETES act in the "CHIPS-Plus" bill have been removed!
For months USARK lobbied and members of the reptile community contacted their representatives and it worked! For now, there will be no changes to the Lacey Act.
We have been posting relevant updates on our main alert here (scroll down). To be brief, the “CHIPS-Plus” bill that passed in the Senate passed the House on 7/28 (243-187 vote). This bill includes some of the technology initiatives included in the America COMPETES Act, USICA, and other bills. The portions of COMPETES that were not germane to the intent of the bill (including the bad Lacey Act amendments) were not added to the CHIPS-Plus package. This should be the end of any threat from these Lacey Act amendments for this Congressional session.
For those who spent the past few months messaging, calling and writing letters, YOU DID IT! And a HUGE thank you to USARK!
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