New changes to state law could impact some keepers in Alabama. The state however has opened a comment period until August 4th where you can lodge objections. Some of the more important changes to be aware of:
-Makes all king snakes (Lampropeltis spp.) and hybrids illegal to own, breed, and sell without a scientific collection permit or permit from the Commissioner. Currently, only Eastern, prairie, and black “speckled” king snakes are listed.
-Makes it illegal to own more than one box turtle (all Terrapene spp.) or sell/trade a box turtle without a scientific collection permit or permit from the Commissioner.
-There are other new rules including, but not limited to, additional protected nongame species and Eastern diamondback rattlesnake regulations.
As always, the folks at USARK have made it simple to respond. They have all the contact information and a template
here. You can read the full proposal
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