A local herpetologist is moving his reptiles to comply with a city zoning ordinance that bars him from running a rescue and rehabilitation center at his house. Chad Griffin, the owner of CCSB Reptile Rescue & Rehabilitation Center, said he is looking for a site and will move the reptiles
Because Griffin is cooperating with the city, officials are working with him to find a new site and to move the animals, said Chris Murphy, the deputy director of planning and development services.
“Our end objective is compliance with the ordinance” Chris Murphy - Deputy Director Winston-Salem, N.C.
Griffin has about 10 days to remove the outdoor enclosures that house the alligators, 30 days for venomous snakes and up to 60 days to stop operating the business in his home, Murphy said. He will be able to keep some reptiles in his house, including nonvenomous snakes, that are considered pets.
kingsnake.com would like to remind everyone that keeps herps to make sure you your not violating any local or state laws or ordinances so you don't find yourself in similar circumstances. Read more at the
Winston-Salem Journal
Image by David Rolfe
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