A Mexican national is being held in prison in Guayaquil Ecuador after trying to smuggle out specimens of both species of endangered iguana only found in the Galapagos Islands. The smuggler was trying to transport nine marine iguanas and two land iguanas, all endemic to the islands' fragile ecosystem, intending to send the reptiles to Uganda
9 Marine neonate (
Amblyrhymchus cristatus), and 2 juvenile ground iguanas (
Conolophus suscristatus) were found in a suitcase where they had been packed so they could not move. The iguanas are being evaluated and fed before they will be reintegrated into their habitat in the Galapagos National Park.
Authorities said the man had previously committed similar crimes in New Zealand, and are investigating his possible involvement in a global network of traffickers in protected species.
To read more, check out the
original press release by the Ecuadoran Environment Ministry.
Gallery photo by Ivory Tortoise
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