Reptile collector Gerard Kruse plead guilty in a New York Federal Court to 13 violations of the Lacey Act for his role in illegally collecting and transporting native snakes.
Arrested as part of a sting dubbed "Operation Kingsnake" Kruse admitted to the illegal collection, transport and receipt of 59 snakes that were collected from and protected by various states, such as New Jersey, California and Oregon.
“All of our protected species, including reptiles, are important to our ecosystems and must be shielded from such illegal trafficking. The Justice Department will continue to vigorously support efforts against domestic wildlife trafficking.” - Assistant Attorney General John C. Cruden
According to the terms of the plea agreement, the government will seek 13 months of home confinement with electronic monitoring. In addition, Kruse has agreed to be placed on probation and subject to special conditions such as forfeiture of his snakes and being banned from the collection, sale and trade of reptiles and amphibians.
To read the full news release from the U.S. Department of Justice
click here.
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