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Fluffy, the longest captive snake in the world, dies

By Cindy Steinle
Thu, October 28 2010 at 22:14

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Aw, how sad. How old was Fluffy? In the vid they said 18 but when was that?

Thank you for posting this.

#1 Carole (Homepage) on 2010-10-29 09:47 (Reply)
I saw a variety of news reports setting her age between 18 and 25. The one linked here says 18.
#2 Cindy Steinle on 2010-10-29 09:51 (Reply)
Very sad day in the reptile world.
RIP Fluffy
#3 Leland (Homepage) on 2010-10-29 10:16 (Reply)
Two things bug me about this article. The first is you never mention the age of Fluffy. The second is how could Bob Clark charge 35,000 for a snake. I mean how greedy can one be?
#4 hermanbronsgeest on 2010-10-29 13:19 (Reply)
This is the dumbest comment I have read! R.I.P. Fluffy !!!
#4.1 Joseph on 2010-10-29 14:45 (Reply)
As I stated I got numerous age reports. I believe she was 18 years old and make note of that.

As for the money aspect, if you can get it, why not?
#5 Cindy Steinle on 2010-10-29 13:50 (Reply)
Greedy? It doesn't seem that way to me.. imagine the money he put into this snake to feed and house.. i'm willing to bet he could have gotten way more from plenty of different well off people who wouldn't mind paying 100's of thousands of dollars for their 15 minutes of fame that would likely result from owning a snake like fluffy.. perhaps selling fluffy for the price of a baby lets say $125 would have been more tasteful?
#6 Daniel on 2010-10-29 13:51 (Reply)
#7 Daniel on 2010-10-29 15:03 (Reply)
R.I.P. fluffy awesome regular Retic not many around such a gentle giant as her, I got to see her once at the N.A.R.B.C. show in Arlington, Texas such a awesome beautiful snake and great with kids as they sat on her and took pictures a true fan fav she will never be forgotten and always missed and loved by all.

And for all those who wanna talk trash about her and Bob you needs to step it up and see Bob at a show near you the man is not hard to miss at all.
#8 Jay Koons on 2010-10-29 19:26 (Reply)
I hate to be picky, but the animal(s) that Bob is pictured holding are not Fluffy. At any rate, RIP Fluffy....although I am a little shocked CZ&A would say her death was from a tumor without having the histopathology reports back; just seems strange.
#9 Troy on 2010-10-29 22:50 (Reply)
Two different snakes are feature here.
In the video is a tiger...and in the photos is fluffy...a normal.
#10 Paco Sanchez on 2010-10-30 22:42 (Reply)
poor fluffy that is so sad that a gental giant such as this one died at such a young age for a retic r.i.p fluffy you will live on in the hearts of many
#11 dakota on 2010-10-31 11:16 (Reply)
A sad day for all who knew fluffy, you don't see many normal retics that calm.
She had a good life and many people will miss her.
#12 mike on 2010-11-01 07:03 (Reply)

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