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What is a rescue

By smallscalerescue
Wed, December 8 2010 at 15:27

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I agree with you greatly. But I do tell people we 'rescued' a few of our snakes. And we did, in a sense. Yes, we bought them for our own pets, but we bought some that were sick and bones showing just because I wanted to give them a chance. And we put lots of money into getting them healthy again. And watching them thrive has been worth it. And I'll probably do it again if I come across another snake that isn't being cared for. I'll buy it if that's what it takes to 'rescue' it, just so it will have a chance at life too.
#1 pythonaddict on 2010-12-18 21:48 (Reply)
There is a difference between saying you are a rescue and saying you have a rescued animal or two; pythonaddict's story fits firmly in the second camp. There's no conflict there.
I have rescued animals (several times) but I'm not a rescue myself.
#2 Varanid on 2011-01-05 16:18 (Reply)

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