A Boaedon broadleyi, or Broadley’s African house snake. Photo from Petr Nečas, shared by Jakob Hallermann
When a traveling biologist kept a snake he found back in the 80's and made it a specimen when it did not survive, the last thing he would have expected was decades later it would be identified as a new species, but that is exactly what happened!
Using DNA samples from a variety of specimen samples, attempting to better understand the African House snake grouping, researchers, Jakob Hallermann and Oliver Hawlitschek, discovered a new 4 foot species.
In hopes of identifying some overlooked species, researchers collected DNA samples from museums in several different countries and from newly caught snakes, the study said. The analysis showed that some of the snakes from Ethiopia were genetically distinct.
Researchers realized they’d discovered a new species: Boaedon broadleyi, or Broadley’s African house snake.
Broadley’s African house snakes can reach over 4 feet in length, the study said. They have olive green bodies, “creamy” bellies and “two short white stripes on the sides of the head.”
To read the full article, visit the Miami Herald
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