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Thursday, January 9 2025
In 2016 the US Fish and Wildlife Service published a temporary rule on 201 Salamander species and as of this January that rule is finalized. The 201 species covering 16 genre are now listed as injurious under the Lacey Act meaning they no longer can be imported into the country or transport or sold across state lines in the US. From the USARK Alert:
The interim rule applies to all species in these 16 genera: Ambystoma, Andrias, Aneides, Aquiloeurycea, Calotriton, Chiropterotriton, Cryptobranchus, Desmognathus, Ensatina, Eurycea, Laotriton, Ommatotriton, Pachytriton, Proteus, Pseudobranchus, and Pseudotriton.
Comments on the interim rule regarding newly added species can be made after January 10, 2025, for 60 days (deadline March 11) at
Find the original Salamander Rule species list (201 species in 20 genera) at
You can read the full action alert here on USARKs page.
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