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About mixing species.

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Posted by bufoexul on April 14, 2003 at 23:46:45:

In Reply to: Re: spotted turtles posted by CMTURT on April 14, 2003 at 15:25:56:

I myself have never kept spotted turtles, but several people on this forum have cautioned against keeping spotted turtles in the same habitats as more aquatic turtles. It seems they're not as strong of swimmers, and sometimes drown in the deeper areas meant for other turtles. I often see Chrysemys while looking for spotteds, but never where the spotteds are found. I had been loking into creating a multi-species set up in my yard, and was disappointed to hear the bad experiences. Just thought I'd pass that on, in case someone with first hand knowledge with the species missed your post. -Damien

:I was not aware that they were that rare and protected. My understanding was that they were very secretive, which is why I only see them in the springtime, due to lack of plant cover. I have seen them in numerous locations while kayaking, and in some places i frequent year after year, I have seen them on the exact same stump or peice of moss(most likely same exact turtles). As for housing, I am currently building anindoor pond/aquarium(really a premolded pond with a plexiglass window i installed) surrounded by a wooden support structure. I currently have one southern painted, will soon aquire a midland painted from a friend, and would like to get more-perhaps a mud/musk or spotted. This pond will have a large land area, as well as shallow areas and lots of bog and aquatic plant life.

::In most states are protected. Also, are uncommon in nature. Most habitat is not suitable to them. Also, remove a few, and can decimate a wild population. Also, without doubt, is one of the best of all turtles, and they only lay (max 5 eggs per year) from all my experience. Low reproduction also raises their value.

:::why are spotted turtles so expensive? they are not endangered, such as the bog turtle, so i was wondering if anyone can shed light on this. I regularly see spotteds along with painteds in the spring while kayaking--i even managed to catch a spotted with my bare hands(and released --of course--i have a soft heart for any surviving wild-turtle--they are there in the wild--so they ARE survivers and belong to stay there). I would love to buy a c.b. spotted, but $200 is so steep!



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