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Re: spotted turtles

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Posted by CMTURT on April 14, 2003 at 15:25:56:

In Reply to: Re: spotted turtles posted by vidusa on April 14, 2003 at 12:18:22:

I was not aware that they were that rare and protected. My understanding was that they were very secretive, which is why I only see them in the springtime, due to lack of plant cover. I have seen them in numerous locations while kayaking, and in some places i frequent year after year, I have seen them on the exact same stump or peice of moss(most likely same exact turtles). As for housing, I am currently building anindoor pond/aquarium(really a premolded pond with a plexiglass window i installed) surrounded by a wooden support structure. I currently have one southern painted, will soon aquire a midland painted from a friend, and would like to get more-perhaps a mud/musk or spotted. This pond will have a large land area, as well as shallow areas and lots of bog and aquatic plant life.

:In most states are protected. Also, are uncommon in nature. Most habitat is not suitable to them. Also, remove a few, and can decimate a wild population. Also, without doubt, is one of the best of all turtles, and they only lay (max 5 eggs per year) from all my experience. Low reproduction also raises their value.

::why are spotted turtles so expensive? they are not endangered, such as the bog turtle, so i was wondering if anyone can shed light on this. I regularly see spotteds along with painteds in the spring while kayaking--i even managed to catch a spotted with my bare hands(and released --of course--i have a soft heart for any surviving wild-turtle--they are there in the wild--so they ARE survivers and belong to stay there). I would love to buy a c.b. spotted, but $200 is so steep!


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