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Re: Outside Pond for Spotteds

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Posted by Jesse S. on April 09, 2003 at 00:26:21:

In Reply to: Outside Pond for Spotteds posted by yonkers on April 08, 2003 at 20:59:55:

I have 3 spotteds and I would highly recommend using liner instead of the pre-fab ponds. Spotteds are poor swimmers and like shallow, well planted water w/ easy access in and out. They also love to come out of the water and search around a land area as well as bask. I used to have a pre-fab pond but I took it out and built a pond w/ a liner after one spring because it was certainly anything but ideal for them. I use ferns and other plants for the land area and water hyacnth and lilly's in the water area. The water is fairly shallow and the pond is about 12 by 8 feet w/ a large land area. The walls around the land area are treated wood 12 inches high w/ a lip. I also have a retractible top covering the whole enclosure I built using a pully system. I put this down at night or when I'm not around as there are hawks and racoons in my area. You will need a pretty large pond for 5-6 spotteds. I live in CT by the way, and they are brought in for the winter.


:Hey all,

:Well i think i am going to buy one of the hard plastic pond liners and palce it outside so I can use it from my spotted know sank in the ground. Anyhow have some questions.

:How tall to the walls enclosing the pond need to be? How far under the ground?

:How big of a pond for 5-6 spotted turtles?

:I live in Michigan but not worried about hibernating them outside I will be hibernating them inside like i have been.

:What type of filtration do i need?

:What types of plants inside the pond and on the ground outside of the the pen?


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