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Re: Another ? about Filtration and Blandings this time

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Posted by Jesse S. on April 09, 2003 at 10:26:23:

In Reply to: Another ? about Filtration and Blandings this time posted by yonkers on April 09, 2003 at 09:53:43:

Hi, re-read my original post, I listed some plants I use in my enclosure. Spotteds and blandings are pretty similar but note they are both poor swimmers. I wouldn't keep the water too deep at all, but do night make it very shallow either as the water will heat up a lot. I use a pond filter that contains biological filtration, this is what I would do. Sometimes I feed the turtles in the pond, and other times I take them out and feed them in a rubbermaid container if I am feeding something that I know will become messy. You can use the same filter for a blandings. Blandings may require even more of a land area, and for as many turtles as your talking about you are going to need a very large water/land enclosure. Let me know if you have any more questions.


:Dumb question, how do you feed your turtles in a you just throw the food in the pond and let them it super messy using this method?

:More of just a curiousity question this time. You said I with spotteds I can filter it like i would for koi. What type of filtration is needed for a larger turtle a group of Blandings Turtles?

:Can Blandings and spotteds be kept together? What size pond now for like a 2.3 spotted and a 1.2 blandings? DO not have blandings now but have often considered them so if I am going to do a pond for the spotteds did not know if I could kill two birds with one stone so to say.

:Any other suggestions/recommendations are appreciated. Still have not heard on what type of plants to put in the pond.

:Thanks for all your help, Scott

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