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nothing is ever set in stone,.......>>>>

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Posted by falconer44 on March 07, 2003 at 16:06:44:

In Reply to: Re: well, i agree with you on one bit, BUT>>> posted by azteclizard on March 07, 2003 at 15:45:47:

and things can always be proven wrong. For example, in the 1600's, everybody knew it was a fact taht the earth was flat, and that you would fall off if you went to far.

Another example, (not sure of exact year), at one point in time, everybody knew it was a fact that the solar system revolved around the earth?

See, some facts can be proven wrong.

:"there is always some way to prove a fact wrong."

:What?! It wouldn't be a fact if you could prove it wrong. Could you give an example so we might be able to understand you better?


::my friend may have been wrong in his viewings, but i know him to be a knowedable herper, and i doubt he would spread rumors.
::As for you saying anyone believeing this myth should not be a herper, I DISAGREE! That is an extrememly broad statement, and what will happen if someday this proves to be true? Does that mean you are no longer a herper? i dont think so, that would be rediculas. As for arguing facts, i do it all the time, and trust me, there is always some way to prove a fact wrong. :)
::all and all, i am not saying i disagree with you, for my friend may have been wrong, but i think you should re-read and consider it before you post it.
::I am in noway trying to start a confrintation, so i hope i didnt tick anyone off. :)


:::Im stating a fact. There is no possible way that a mealworm can eat its way out of anything after being eaten itself. If you believe, this you are ignorant. I'm not trying to start a fight, but it is true. It is scientifically impossible. After being crushed by the geckos' jaws, then being digested by stomach acids (some of the most powerful acids in the world), not to mention the lack or air (how would it breath inside another animal????). If you continue to believe this myth, I feel sorry for you and you should not own herps. Unless there is a new race of invincible mealworms out there, it is impossible, plain and simple. You can attempt to argue thism but there is no argument against a fact.




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