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Even if feeding!

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Posted by Tribal Prop on January 29, 2003 at 20:28:12:

In Reply to: even if feeding? posted by lynex17 on January 29, 2003 at 18:39:20:

Travis, the reason why people still sell wild caught Mandarins is because there are still people out there that think their going to be the one to beat the system and do what currently is close to impossible (get wild caughts to thrive in captivity)! Mandarin rat snakes have been imported for years and almost 100% have met the same fate, they have died. Some feed occasionally, others feed great and just drop dead. Most have heavy parasite loads and don't fair well even with treatment. It is understandable that you would want to own a pair and it's even more understandable that you would like to spend as little money as possible, however, in this case, you don't even get what you pay for! The only importers that have been able to get ahead of the system are the ones that import gravid females. The females lay their eggs in captivity, the eggs are then incubated and once hatched, the juveniles do pretty good. Anyone keeping Mandarins can tell you that even the captive born & bred animals can be fussy and difficult to rear. Do yourself a favor, hang on to your well earned cash and buy captive born & bred. Good luck!

Tribal Propagation
Brian and Laura Hamel
1255 Saratoga Lane
Geneva, FL 32732

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