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Carl and Steve

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Posted by lanceheads on September 13, 2002 at 20:39:09:

While perusing the forum, I was surprised to see that you (Carl), made a motion at your meeting to disassociate the society with TRE. And that Steve seconded the motion.

Please explain to me why this happened, without getting into personalty's, political,and ethics, because you can't point the finger at wild-caught animals at TRE shows, without looking in a mirror.
I have known both of you guy's, especially Steve, for many years in the zoo field.(Steve at Dallas and Ft. Worth, and Carl at Dallas).
I have seen both of you guy's at TRE shows many times over the years.
I have heard you say positive things about TRE.

I have heard Steve say after a TRE show, that he did well.

I also have heard you (Steve) say after a show,(Dec. 2001) that YOU didn't do good at, BECAUSE wild-caught animals,i.e. cheaper prices, were at the show, along with sick and dying animals.

So, please explain to me why the DFWHS no longer wants to support the TRE shows.

And if you say ethics are involved, I cannot agree with that, because that would be the pot calling the kettle black.
(a board member promoting a show).

Randal Berry

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