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Okay, well

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Posted by jcherry on March 17, 2003 at 10:51:41:

In Reply to: I'd put this on the herp law forum . . .> posted by terryp on March 17, 2003 at 08:45:57:

Everything Terry told you is correct, espicially about the Northerns in New Jersey. I talked to the fish and wildlife several months ago and they told me that with a permit, individuals can and do keep northerns in the state. I still though am always apprehesive when I ship captive born animals into a state where they are found in the wild.

As far as your Northern being a wild caught animal, if the pet shop is a typical one, they probally do not know where the animal came from, they normally buy from jobbers that sell captive born and wild caught animals on a regular basis. Of course as a proponet of buying only captive born when possible don't buy from most pet shops for that reason.

If I were you I would concern myself with the following:

1. Realize that as Terry said, any wild animal that is taken illegally and then shipped across state lines is a violation of the lacey act, a federal law that has lots of teeth and the buyer can be held accountable for it.

2. Second when you are working with suspected wild caughts, make sure to quarantine and understand you will normally have some inherent problems with them. such as being hard feeding, nervous etc.

3. Bright spot though is that, he is new blood for your northerns. But no locale or heritage for your use on the negative side.

As far as any thing you should or could do, it is probally best left alone.

Good Luck

John Cherry
Cherryville Farms

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