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I'd put this on the herp law forum . . .>

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Posted by terryp on March 17, 2003 at 08:45:57:

In Reply to: Wild caught Northern Pines?? questions----->>> posted by PitFiend on March 16, 2003 at 22:07:51:

I think you would get a better response Charles. I've had better success when I've done it. There's been several debates so to speak on the Northern Pine legality in New Jersey. Remember if you breed a snake that isn't illegal in your state, you must be careful not to sell and ship the offspring to a state where they are protected or illegal. There's been some discussion on this as to whether you can sell and ship a Northern Pine to New Jersey where they are protected or restricted. Several people in New Jersey say you can possess Northern Pines with a permit. People have shipped to New Jersey and haven't had any problems, others have taken the stance not to ship Northern Pines to New Jersey. Also keep in mind that the laws in some states are different for wild caught and captive bred. If you have taken the stance that yours is wild caught, then you need to go with any laws reflecting the collecting and possession of a native reptile. They can be stiffer and/or more restricting. Just my opinions.

: After talking to our local petshop and discovering that they deal in wild caught animals such as Kings,Balls and recently an Everglades ratsnake I have begun to question the heritage of my Northern Pine.
: I am going to go down and talk with them on monday to see what info I can gather up about the origins of this snake, but something tells me she very well could be a wild caught specimen. I rescued this snake from them and have seen several other snakes suffer at this place.
: My question is... I understand that in many places taking Northern Pines from the wild is illegal, so if I discover that this snake is wild caught and is from an area that this is illegal, what action should I take?
: Second question, providing that this snake is a wild caught specimen, should I breed her in a couple years as planned?

:Any thoughts and advice are very appreciated,

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