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Re: Tortvet...

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Posted by tortvet on November 13, 2002 at 07:28:42:

In Reply to: Tortvet... posted by Maxx MacLeod on November 13, 2002 at 03:38:37:

:Dr. Tabaka-- None of my Orlitia have split beaks...but none of
:mine are over 25 pounds either. If you look on the WCT
:website, there's a photo of a huge male with a slightly split
:beak...interesting. --Maxx

Thanks Maxx (please call me Chris- I just use the Dr. title on KS so new folks know that the medical info I post is from a vet).

I worked on a number of Orlitia in Florida with the TSA confiscation, two big big boys including the one Dr. L is holding on the WCT gallery (one animal was 1 cm short of the record and the other was 2-3 cm short- they are monsters- going to see them again in a few months), and saw more than I ever care to see again in the animal markets. Awesome torpedo creatures.

I've seen some mildly split beaks as you pointed out but when I see deep grooved splits, I start thinking Hieremys or H. grandis. A view of the carapace would answer the question though and I eagerly await "Batagur Cris'" answer.


Ps. Blue eyed baby Orlitia pictured here by Lee Kwok Shing.

Pps. Drop me a line through Darrell please. I'd like to chat about a few things.

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