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Hey what kind of lizard is this? sorry donno myself

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Posted by brad wilson on April 22, 2003 at 08:28:36:

In Reply to: Hey what kind of lizard is this? sorry donno myself posted by DustinWaller on April 21, 2003 at 23:45:26:

That's a skink, not a salamander.

I tried to find an online reference guide for Florida lizards, but couldn't. It looks vaguely like a Ground Skink (Scincella lateralis), but I'm not an expert. There are a lot of skink species in Florida.

Probably best to release it after a few days.

Keep it in a tank (or plastic tub, etc.) with a layer of dry dirt or sand. A couple pieces of bark to hide under. Keep the enclosure warm, in the 80s, and spray the bottom of the enclosure lightly with water once or twice a day. Don't put the tank out in the sun - it could cook him. If you can find small crickets or grubs, put a couple in the tank for him to eat.

After the tail looks healed up, let him go. It's very difficult for an animal to adapt to being in captivity after living in the wild. Right now with a freshly yanked tail, the lizard is vulnerable and weak. Give him a few days to recover.

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