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Please help identify a stowaway.

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Posted by caliber on August 27, 2002 at 16:18:07:

We just bought a palm tree-type plant & it came home with a little stowaway. At first, we thought he was a gecko, but after doing a bit of surfing, I know it is some other type of lizard. This is a very small fella, I think he is really young. He is only about 1" from tip of nose to tail. Well, half of his tail, the tip was lost when we tried to catch him. He has a large head like a gecko, but his legs are long w/ long "fingers". He can climb the sides of the plastic container I have him in and he is very fast. He is pretty active in the day, and likes to hide in the mulch I have in the bottom or perch on the piece of plant I put in. He is quite pretty & can change his color from light/dark depending on what he on. He has an unusual pattern on his back. He has a white/yellow stripe starting from the base of his head going all the way down his tail. His back has a diamond looking pattern broken in half by the stripe. There are some markings on his back legs but he is so small it is hard to make out. Those look a little reddish in color. The rest of him is greenish brown. When he closes his eye, I can make out a faint star-pattern of stripes. His skin is smooth with no discernable scales.

Please help identify this little guy so we know how to take care of him. He would not survive outside here (Albany, NY) and we would like to try and keep him. Any lizard-raising tips would be helpful. Thanks, Latisha & Chad

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