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Lizard ID help needed

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Posted by digitalis on August 13, 2002 at 08:34:49:

I accidently posted this in the frog forum. :|

Yesterday afternoon while at work a guy from the docks brought in a very small lizard and asked if I wanted it. Apparently this poor thing found it's way up here on one of our distributor trucks from Florida. I'm in Wisconsin.

It LOOKS almost like an Indo-Pacific Gecko, but the only pic that I've seen wasn't the best. On it's head right by the eyes it has a greenish/bluish tinge. The body is a very light brown with a slightly darker brown pattern across it's back, it also has white speckles on it. The tail has white rings on it, then towards the tip of the tail it has black and white rings.

Now this thing is JUST over an inch long and it's constantly crawling up the glass aquarium it's in.

I've had geckos in the past, but they were much larger. I'm not sure how to care for this little guy.

I'm told it COULD be a micro gecko, but I have yet to find pictures of one.

Any help is greatly appreciated. :)

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