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Sounds like an emerald swift with a bad shed. np

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Posted by 59herps on August 07, 2002 at 16:24:52:

In Reply to: false emerald posted by nathan619 on August 07, 2002 at 15:15:48:

: I have often wondered what one of my first store bought lizards was. It was labled an emerald swift but clearly wasn't. It was about 4 or 5" including tail, fully grown. It was bright green with small flecks of black. The tail was light blue as was the underside of the body. It was not keeled like an emerald and spent much time climbing the fake plants I had, and spent a lot of time hanging upside down by its claws from the screen top. Everyone says "sounds like a day gecko" but I have been keeping lizards for 15 years and this was obviously not a gecko. It's body shape and head shape resembled that of a small sceloporus. If anyone has any idea or could send a pic I would appreciate it. You would solve a very old question for me.

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