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Re: college recommendations to study snake venom?

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Posted by bigboi on April 18, 2003 at 02:25:51:

In Reply to: Re: college recommendations to study snake venom? posted by s_simpson on March 10, 2003 at 12:40:59:

If your are pursuing a graduate degree look into Dr. Stephen Mackessy at the University of Northern Colorado. He does a lot of research with rear fanged venom proteins and crotalid venom proteins. If you do a search you should be able to find some of his published research. Hope this helps.


:BGF might have the best take on this, but I'd suggest the following...

:There is NO college out there where you can really study "venom research". Venom research comprises multiple disciplines, including organic chemistry, biochemistry, histology, cell biology, etc. As for how to study "how venom can be made into medicines and create better antivenoms", that's pretty much the same as above -- chemistry and some biological specialities.

:If you are serious about studying venom and possible venom-derived medicine, you will almost certainly be working for academic institutions your entire career (they pay less than pharamaceutical companies) -- private companies just don't invest that much money into researching this area.

:So, bottom line, your best bet would be to study organic chemistry/biochemistry and possibly as much biology (cell biology, microbiology, immunology, etc.) that you can squeeze in.

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