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My question..what's legal and what isn't?

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Posted by Chance on May 08, 2003 at 23:12:43:

In Reply to: Read about venomoid surgery? Here are some pics. posted by richard.ritchey on May 08, 2003 at 20:57:21:

I've seen a few people suggest that unlicensed individuals doing these surgeries on these animals is illegal and I guess is classed under cruelty to animals because they probably aren't taking the proper procedures. Yes, these animals 'belong' to you, but you do not have the right to just go cutting away on them. That's why animal cruelty laws are passed in the first place. So again I'll ask, is this LEGAL for an unlicensed, non-vet person to be doing to his/her animals, or not? If not, why are these people continually allowed to sell these illegally operated-on animals? If it's not illegal, my apologies, though I do hope it is.

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