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Press: One giant leap for frog safety

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Posted by W von Papineäu on March 09, 2003 at 21:40:04:

BIRMINGHAM POST (UK) 08 March 03 One giant leap for frog safety (Tom Smithard)
Amorous frogs and toads emerging from hibernation have been given a helping hand to make sure they reach their mating grounds - their own road signs on a busy Midland road.
From today, drivers using the Eccleshall Road between Stafford and junction 14 of the M6, will be confronted with red-triangle warning signs picturing a toad.
The scheme bids to reduce the number of toads, frogs and newts squashed by cars as they cross the busy road, which dissects a migration route to nearby Doxey Marshes.
Paul Shires, community biodiversity officer at Stafford Borough Council, said: "Anyone driving down the road can see the carnage each morning. We are urging motorists and those using public footpaths to look carefully at where they are going."
The signs have been put up by Stafford Borough Council, which is working in conjunction with Staffordshire Wildlife Trust to help protect the species.
According to Mr Shires, the route is a traditional one dating back hundreds of years, and the amphibians instinctively take it.
"Each year more and more are dying on the road - toads are stubborn creatures and refuse to find a less dangerous route."

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