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I saw three dead turtles yesterday in the street

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Posted by vidusa on May 12, 2003 at 09:45:17:

In Reply to: don't be ridiculous!..... posted by MAYDAY on May 11, 2003 at 21:27:16:

I agree there are some militant people here. First, hardly no-one gives a **** for turtles. The will not even swirve to miss a slow moving turtle. In a country where you can distroy most wetlands, build where you like, and run over what you wish, where is the protection for the turtle. More turtles are distroyed by construction and driving, then collecting. I don't hear the militant turtle lover's say, stop driving so you don't kill animals. Or don't buy a new home, because its was land for turtles. If states and the public don't care, then don't push your issues on to others.

:First of all it IS a striped mud turtle not a stinkpot but.......
:saying that it should be released is silly! The odds of it surviving are quite small. Besides, it is not like it was purchased from a commercial collector. Making an issue about somebody finding and keeping a hatchling mud turtle is being pretty militant. How many of us started keeping turtles because of a hatchling we caught. I for one became interested in reptiles BECAUSE of a hatchling striped mud turtle.
:Give them a break and be encouraging!

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