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Turtle Nails

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Posted by Katrina on May 11, 2003 at 21:37:35:

In Reply to: Turtle Nails posted by Aquarius on May 07, 2003 at 10:22:20:

I'm not an expert, but I've seen a fair number of turtles in the last few years. Basically, for sliders and similarly sized North American aquatics (painteds, cooters, maps), the nails start getting longer at about 3-4 inches. I've received some adult male painted turtles raised in less than perfect conditions that DIDN'T have the long nails, so living conditions can be a factor. I've found three inch wild painteds, though, with very long front nails.

Turtles do not shed their nails. Occasionally they might loose a nail due to an infection, and it may or may not grow back.

I've never tried to trim the nails on an aquatic turtle, because I've never seen them grow too long, no matter what the living conditions. I don't see an aesthetic reason for cutting the nails on a turtle.

Other than the mating ritual, I don't know why the males have longer nails.


:Hi All

:I help moderate another turtle forum, and lately we have been getting alot of turtle nail questions. And despite researching I just can't seem to find the answers........I hope someone on here can assist, with either places that do have this information or the answers

:1. Male RES turtle what age (or aroundwhat age) do they start to grow??

:2. Do turtles shed their know the way some cats and dogs do (without losing the whole nail)

:3. Are RES (male) turtles capable of growing back lost nails, if they break or get cut

:4. What would happen if I trimmed by male RES nails, for aesthetic reasons (this one wasnt to well received but it was a question more I think out of just curiosity)

:5. What is the point of males having those long claws....mating dance only or is there something else to them.

:Thanks in Advance

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