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Turtle Egg Extreme Temps

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Posted by jgsavGA on May 09, 2003 at 20:51:10:

I was transporting my Diamondback Terrapin eggs on a long distance car journey today, because I had to relocate. They were very well secured, but when I arrived at my destination, I found that hot air from the floor vent of the car had been blowing on their container. After I brought the eggs inside, when I checked the temp of the incubating substrate, the temp read 98 degrees for one clutch of eggs, and 100 degrees for the other clutch. I was pretty pissed, because I hadn't realized hot air was blowing down low for about an hour when I had the defroster on. This was a first for this situation, so i need to know if anyone knows the highest end temps eggs can withstand without the egg spoiling. I know they can incubate at up to 90 degrees at the high end, but how long can they stay at 100 degrees. Also Terrapins commonly nest in sand dunes which can reach very high temps for durations of the day, so hopefully they withstood the heat. The eggs are only 4 days old, so the embryos have not yet begun to develop, and hopefully this will not have killed the eggs. Only time will tell, but if anyone has had experience with high temps, let me know asap. Thanks.

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