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Re: Pond Liner....Guarentee Safe or Roofing Liner?

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Posted by nathana on April 11, 2003 at 12:13:42:

In Reply to: Pond Liner....Guarentee Safe or Roofing Liner? posted by Yonkers on April 11, 2003 at 08:53:13:

The thing is that one roofing liner manufacturer might do things differently than another. Since they have no reason to verify that their product is good for ponds, one person might have luck with a roofing product from a local store, another person might get a toxin released from it, but both would have worked fine if used on a roof, where they are meant to be.

On the other hand, pond liners are made to not leech or be coated with toxins, and not to fade, etc, etc. They are built with specifications that include safety for the animals that will live in the pond.

So... while I would say there are probably plenty of people having a fine time with a roofing product, there are probably some who do not. I would not want to be in that group with my expensive spotted turtles (not to mention that they are my pets and I don't want to see them harmed for sentimental reasons).

If you look online hard enough, you can find places selling liner for prices not far from the cost of roofing products, so there is a minimal cost difference for the peace of mind.

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