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Posted by Todd Evans on January 20, 2002 at 00:04:35:

In Reply to: Website posted by Chris on January 19, 2002 at 15:13:16:

I had a little problem with my computer about a month ago......I had to reformat the system and lost all of the passwords that Kingsnakes gave me.....OOPS, my bad, I didn't write them down.....anyway, I've been trying to contact Jeff to get them again, but I guess he's too busy to respond. I'll probably send him another one this week upcoming and see if I can't get in there to give it a facelift.

All in all, the society in general is suffering from a lack of input. Lisa has done a great job trying to keep the newsletter alive (from her own pocket) and the meetings are becoming less and less attended. I didn't even go to the last meeting, but there were a total of 6 people there. All of the other members of Beyond Utopia (our private business) were there, as well as our President and Mike, another member. Lisa has been working extremely inconvenient hours limiting even her time to sleep, and John, the treasurer is busy every Wednesday night.

The only thing that seems sturdy is the shows.....Beyond Utopia helps out as much as we can, and Steve has really done a wonderful job. The general consensus lately is that ALL herp societies are suffering from our same situation. Even the Pittsburgh herp society has limited meetings to I believe 4 per year.

Still, this is no excuse for my lack of haste in updating the website. I should have kept up with it monthly from the beginning, but seriously, I didn't even see all that much traffic on it when I was updating it......most of it was people that I or Steve told about it. Since puting the online application on there, I think we only got 1 new member, that we still have yet to meet personally. My point is that I could make a beautiful up to date (daily) website and Lisa has the ability to make probably the BEST society newsletter, but when the morale of the society as a whole is this bad, what's the point. Lisa has agreed to continue to do the newsletter on her own time, which is very limited at this point. And I myself have been busy with unherp related things recently as well (planning a wedding) and while the site and the newsletter have the potential of becoming very important advertising and resourcing materials, most of us are concentrating more on what makes us money......the shows.........

Todd Evans

PS, When I get the passwords and update the bugger, I will post that it is done, and try to inform Jeff of the update as well so it appears on the front page.

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