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Re: same method for...

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Posted by Brock on April 20, 2003 at 01:13:32:

In Reply to: Re: same method for... posted by markc on April 19, 2003 at 22:33:06:

Usually when you get into herps you get into it for a lifetime. So you will have lots of time for redeyes in the future. I would also suggest you get a white's or green tree frog first. Something you have to understand when getting into tree frogs is that you won't see them as much you would see a lizard or snake, they tend to hide a lot and most tree frogs available in North America are nocturnal. If you are successful with sustaining proper temps, humidity and all the vital requirements for red-eyes, then I would encourage you to get red-eyes if you are truely set on them; just after you have the setup running for at least 2 months just to make sure everything goes well: most things that go wrong go wrong in the first 2 months of buying your herp, so you can greatly decrease this risk if you already have a 100% perfect setup before buying your herp.
If you want a frog you can view for pleasure in the day, go to the Arrow Frog Forum, arrow frogs are amazing and they are diurnal, and they are the perfect match for a well planted, humid vivarium.
After you have the setup going, you have 2 months to decide what you want to put in it. You might even wind up with some nice gold dust day geckos for all you know.


:like I said if this is your first frog, don't get a redeye. you won't get the viewing pleasure you think you will. the frog is not active when you are. all you will see is the frog folded up in the corner with his 'colors' hidden. for any pet the tank should be setup before you buy it. that is really just common sense. get the experimenting with temp/humidity/setup done before the frog is in the tank. why risk the animals health while you are messing around with stuff? if you have never kept a frog I strongly suggest you get a white's first. they are more active and tolerant anyway and more aggressive eaters too.

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