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Re: ETB or GTP

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Posted by afflicted on October 01, 2002 at 21:49:00:

In Reply to: ETB or GTP posted by bam171bam on September 30, 2002 at 23:51:22:

To answer your question based on the small bit of info provided, I would say GTP. To my knowledge there are no baby emeralds that start out yellow. GTP babies start either red or yellow and start filling in with green at 1-2 years of age. This is all normal types. There are always freaks within a species but it is probably a GTP.

:A friend of mine just recently purchased a supposed ETB from a local pet shop...I myself have never gotten into the GTP's or ETB's because of the cost...but, my question is. He bought the snake as an ETB, but for some odd reason i believe that it is a GTP. It is a yearling, and is yellow(starting to get some green). Is there any sure fire way to tell the difference. I appreciate any help.
:Jason Vasses


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