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Re: ETB or GTP

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Posted by ls1grrrl on October 01, 2002 at 16:58:19:

In Reply to: ETB or GTP posted by bam171bam on September 30, 2002 at 23:51:22:

First of all, I second whats already been said. If you don't know enough about a particular snake to even be able to accurately identify it, then you (or your friend, in this case) shouldn't have bought it. Doing research before hand pays off exponentially for both you and more importantly for the animal's well-being.

That being said, IMO the easiest way to describe a very obvious difference is by looking at the heat pits. ETBs have both infra- and sublabial heat pits (heat pits along the top and bottom lip) from front to back of the mouth.

GTPs only have pits on the front of their nose and a short series of sublabial pits. (That is, pits on the lower lips, towards the back of the mouth under the eyes.)

Take a look at some head shots of both GTPs and ETBs and you should be able to tell what I'm talking about pretty easily.

You can do a ton of research on to learn more about ETBs. For GTPs, I've found some good information at Also, you have the internet at your fingertips. You can search the web for just about anything you want - Google is a really good search engine.


:A friend of mine just recently purchased a supposed ETB from a local pet shop...I myself have never gotten into the GTP's or ETB's because of the cost...but, my question is. He bought the snake as an ETB, but for some odd reason i believe that it is a GTP. It is a yearling, and is yellow(starting to get some green). Is there any sure fire way to tell the difference. I appreciate any help.
:Jason Vasses


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