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Tame amazons...

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Posted by redgarter on December 26, 2002 at 11:58:10:

I was just visiting the forum and saw a post by John Hedger voicing the opinion that ATBs are basically untamable. Well, while I agree that they are most probably untamable when their innate tempers are bad from birth, there are tame specimens out there that are born this way. I should know, as I have a tame line going where most of the specimens I produce are much more relunctant to bite than the average WC specimen, and a few that are downright puppy tame. This pic illustrates the point very well I think, as I was very confident in the security situation before plunking down my quadricolor female in my daughter's eager hands.

I think any specimen can be provoked to bite, but some, such a my breeding group of 1.2 really need you to work at it, as they have to pressed significantly to bite defensively. I never wear gloves while handling any of the three, and don't even think of the possibility of getting tagged not only in normal handling circumstances, but also while roughhandling them (as when they need to be "unwound" off of some inanimate piece of decor!)

I felt like I had to clear that up, and also was wondering if any other breeder was working with tame specimens out there?


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