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This question gets asked alot and I always say...

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Posted by John Hedger on December 22, 2002 at 15:09:16:

In Reply to: Are GTP's easier to keep than Emerald Boas? posted by peterfromme on December 22, 2002 at 08:29:33:

Go with the snake that you really want to work with and feel is most beautiful or impressive to your eyes!! I started with emeralds but now keep chondros as well along with many amazon tree boa morphs. I personally like them all!!

I have kept and bred both for many years and can say there really is no general thing that makes one easier or superior to keep than the other...That is,if you have healthy animals to begin with. They both have their own little problems and quirks to deal with.

Both emeralds or chondros can have peaceful personalities or they can be nasty. I have chondros that are very quick to bite and I have emeralds that are very easy going as well.

Cbb is the safest bet if you are a beginner and want them to thrive and breed well for you. I would say wc emeralds are a better bet in this country than wc GTPs. Personally, I haven't had alot of luck with wc Green Trees...with them thriving and living for many years. If you go wc I would develope good business relations with some reliable dealers. Don't just look for a cheap deal and buy from anybody. Purchase from dealers and breeders who stand behind their animals!!

:I'm interested in purchasing either a Green Tree Python, or a Emerald Tree Boa. I've heard that GTP's tend to be less nippy than Emerald's. In addition I've heard that Emeralds are more difficult to keep in captivity.
:Is this true? Overall, are GTP's a better choice over Emeralds?


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