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Ralph Chapman - GOOD...more

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Posted by Paul Edwards on March 31, 2003 at 06:50:19:

Hi all,
I just wanted to say a good word about someone who keeeps their promises. Last summer I sold an adult male red amazon I produced in 1994, along with all of my other amazons, emeralds & chondro's. People were lining up at my door to buy it at that price (I should have started higher I guess, LOL). Ralph sent me a message that he wanted it too. I told him that I already had a bunch of folks who wanted it at that price, so he decided to sweeten the deal by promissing me I could have a baby from his next litteer of reds, and I could have first pick ! I thought "ya right, like I will hear from him again". I decided to sell it to him because he seemed to want it more than anybody else, that was obvious. Well a few months ago, I get an e-mail showing me all of the babies he just had, and telling me to take my pick ! I couldn't believe it. I got the first pick from the litter of reds that suitcat just posted a pic from (although his seems a bit more red than mine - is it live suitcat, or is it memorex ?)- I'd really like to know if his is as red as that or more orangish in person - mine is actually more orangish. It's number was 02-34. It is a solid "red" animal though with no markings what-so-ever. It's beautiful, shed last night, and is taking large furries without hesitation (did you hear that Ralph - FURRIES - not pinks !!!).
Just can't seem to keep these guys out of my collection. I don't know what I'm going to do with it exactly, as it is the only amazon in my collection. I do miss my arboreals though!
Thanks again Ralph for your honesty and it's a beautiful animal.
If the pic doesn't show up, I'll try posting it again.
Paul Edwards

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