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Re: baby atb will not eat..

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Posted by donk142 on March 15, 2003 at 13:38:57:

In Reply to: Re: baby atb will not eat.. posted by logan on March 12, 2003 at 14:48:39:

::ok I will put him in a smaller tank (5 gal) and leave him alone.. I always try to feed him out of a small tupperware that I leave in his tank under his branch, but he dosen't seem too interested. I haven't handled him for abou 3 weeks now and huis tank is in a dark secluded area of my house. He is very mellow and has never struck. Should I be worried about his temperment? I haven't heard of any atb's that don't strike once in a while... He seems to be very healthy, he only comes out after I turn off his day light.. And when I do handle him he is very calm and dosen't show any signs of being stressed or scared.. The reason that I didn't try to feed him the day I bought him was because they sent him the day after they fed him!! I didn't think that was a very good idea..Thanks for all your suggestions, and if you guys have any other suggestions for me that would really help...
:I wouldn't use a day lamp on him. If you've got some sort of nocturnal lamp, just leave that on, but make sure it's not too hot. Again, if you've got some sort of rubbermaid thing to put him in, I would opt for that over any glass container (even a 5 gal.) They can get a very stable air temp/humidity with a simple undertank heater, without fussing with a lamp (obviusly, the room he's in shouldn't be too cold to begin with). Don't worry about the temperment. I have a few that have been dog tame their whole lives, not because I was able to tame them down or anything, they were born that way. The female that produced them was tame that way too. Anyways, are you feeding live or frozen? Does he show absolutely no interest, or does he check it out for a bit, and then go away? Wait a few days and slip a live pinkie onto the bottom of the cage in a small open box overnight. That should work.

Sorry I misread your posts...I now have him in a 2 1/2 gal tupperware, uth w/ thermostat, newspaper, water dish, and hide box, I haven't tried to feed him yet, but the last times I did try, he did pay attention to it for the first minute, but then he just ignored it, he even crawled right over it.
I have tried the warmed up, pre killed mice and he wasn't interested in that either.. I will try to feed him again in a few days. I don't wan't to stress him out anymore.... Any more suggestions would be greatly appreciated.. Thanks a lot for all your help.. You all have been very helpful..

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