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Re: First ETB.............

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Posted by Alex Mc on February 19, 2003 at 20:58:46:

In Reply to: First ETB............. posted by Nyarlathotep on February 19, 2003 at 18:35:47:

Congrats on your new ETB. I agree 100% with Suticat about the dangers of feeding chicks or any other bird to your Corallus. I have read enough about the pathogens that chicks can harbor to make me steer clear (coccidia in particular). Rodents are simply the safest proven food source for your captive Emerald Tree Boa. If your Emerald will accept frozen/thawed that is even better. Freezing rodents does offer several benefits over live. The risk reward for feeding birds simply doesn't add up but for those who will take the risk and feed a bird of any sort to their Corallus it is my recommendation that the bird first be frozen for a minimum of thirty days. For freezing to be effective in reducing the pathogen load substantially...thirty days is appropriate, this would apply to rodents as well. Like I said, avoid birds if at all possible; it simply isn't worth it. You can browse my site above for additional info...there is a section on feeding. Enjoy your new jewel.

Alex Mc : )-<

:Hey everyone.
: I just brought home my first ETB, about three feet long. Got him in a 24x18x12 aquarium with fitted sheets of Plexi to keep in humidity. Water bowl covers about half the tank bottom (12" diameter), the rest is sphagnum moss. Various branches ranging from arm to finger thick. I actually caught him drinking from the bowl too...
: I currently keep an Amazon tree boa, a Yellow 'conda, and Rainbow boa and a Black Pine snake, as well as various geckos. This is going to be my first attempt at a "difficult" snake species...Can't be any worse to maintain than my coral reef tank though...I hope :) I was wondering about feeding him frozen chicks, any opinions ?(Can't find any literature on the subject) Thanx

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