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Re: Thinking of getting an Amazon

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Posted by kinetikx on February 11, 2003 at 01:51:55:

In Reply to: Thinking of getting an Amazon posted by mikemckenny on February 10, 2003 at 20:42:19:

Mike- I'm no expert at this point as I've only had mine for a little while now but water changes can be done fairly easily as long as you have easy access to the tub you are using. I have a small tub for water (I am going to switch over to a larger water container within the week) Make sure that you have a container for the water that is not closed in by branches. I change the water during the day(as early as I can) so the animal is inactive. I reach right in with my hands and keep a close eye on the Boa the whole time so I don't risk a strike. When I start to see a reaction from the snake I take my hands out and wait for him to calm for a moment- when I feel assured that all is well I start again. With all attempts to enter your snakes enclosure just try to read the animals behavior. I, personally try to disturb my ATB's as little as possible. Tank set-up helps very much. the least amount of vibration and movement that the snake feels on its branches, the better. I haven't done a full tank cleaning yet so I can't really tell you how to deal with that situation but routine things like quick water tub cleanings are fairly easy. I will need to get into the enclosure to clean artificial plants and branches within the month and I have considered a small snake hook to make things easier on myself and the snake. If worse comes to worse I will try to pin the boa and move to a small bag if necessary. I am still within the learning curve so please take all of my info with a grain of salt.

:I was just wondering how people take care of general maintainence things like cleaning their cage, changing their water or substrate, or even feeding them, give their tendency to snip at your hands?

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