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Plz anwser all my russian tortoise question

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Posted by sacred_dragons on May 13, 2003 at 02:50:21:

I am new to the tortoises and am deciding on getting a Russian Tortoise soon, I have tried to gain info by reading and I have bought A 40 gallon rubbermaid tub and play sand, I dont what bedding to use, but the site says bedapet and sand plus hay(any suggestions here). I really want to use the tub But am afraid that I cat use a heat lamp on it since rubber and I am afraid the lamp will burn rubber and maybe catch fire in my home. I am considering one of those heat pads or a heated rock but some websites say theyre bad(another question with needed anwsers). Is there way i dont need any heat appliances? I will keep in an area between 2 large windows. I live in So Cal so the average night morning temperature lowest are 55 and noon to afternoon around 76. One last wuestion, anyone buy from because I live near it and went to it, and know its not captive bred, but I dont know any captive bred tortoise sellers, should I buy from there? can anyone tell me a good online or so cal store that sells quality Russian TOrtoises. Thank you, all help is deeply appreciated by me.

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