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Advice on species from all experienced keepers pls :)

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Posted by Boxiebreeder on May 11, 2003 at 00:35:08:

In Reply to: Advice on species from all experienced keepers pls :) posted by zab on May 10, 2003 at 23:40:45:

:Given the weather you will be living in, I would suggest Russians, as they are great little torts and they hibernate the winter away. But they are too small to live in a pasture and barn. Only about 7". One of the huge types, like sulcata would fit your pasture and barn but they don't hibernate and would likely be unhappy in your winters and in return make you unhappy also. They need extensive and expensive accommodations in the winter. Don't be fooled about only having one! Tortoises are like potato chips. Nobody can have just one!


::I was just surfing the forums tonight and pondering the tortoise possibilities in our future. I keep a wide range of herps and breed geckos...DH caught the bug and has two chams. Anyhow, :) When we have room (we are planning on buying a farm in the next two years), he would love to get a tortoise. I have been thinking we would keep her in a stall, and let her out to sun and graze in some free pasture area when it was warm, and keep her with proper lighting and heat in the barn in the winter. Can anyone reccomend a good beginner species (considering their longevity, we will probably only get one ever, so I'd appreciate your opinions on the one tortoise species you would get in this situation...) We live in the Northeast, and plan on buying land in the mountains of upstate NY. Is a tortoise a viable option in this sort of situation? Thank you everyone!


Yeah mabey get a few russians, if not mabey get some hermanns those are cool too.

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