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Pyxis planicauda egg

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Posted by DanP on May 02, 2003 at 22:23:14:

In Reply to: Pyxis planicauda egg posted by uromastyxca on May 02, 2003 at 09:30:36:

:::Here's another Pyxis baby picture. This photo was taken about 20 days after a 45 day cooling off period. Check out the embryo and blood ring.

::I am very impressed did you hatch any planicauda, I am having lots of trouble with my females, and one male dyed last week, I have spent over 1200 dollars, vet bills, I had veterinarians all over the world helping me out, gram negative blood infection, got rid off it and two new ones replaced it, If it is possible I would like to talk with people who have planicaudas. I hatched out the first know publicly golden Greeks I have hope for my flat tails. take good care Joe Montreal Canada.

I've had the planicauda pair for about 14 months and have not had any problems with them. That egg will take a few more months of cooking before we'll know if I can hatch planicaudas. I keep the tortoises warm and humid outdoors all summer (in Florida) and less warm and much drier indoors all winter so they can aestivate. They don't move for weeks at a time in the winter.

I've talked with others with larger groups of planicaudas that have not produced any eggs or fertile eggs. I suspect that seasonality might play a role in egg production and I really think that breaking the diapause is important in incubation of Pyxis eggs (both species).

Good luck with yours. How big a group do you have?

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