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Slow sulcata growth

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Posted by turtlemom on April 30, 2003 at 10:00:20:

In Reply to: Slow sulcata growth posted by oregonlizardlady on April 29, 2003 at 11:26:32:

I got Annie when she was about three weeks old. We have an attachment to our house that is similar to a greenhouse, that houses box turtles. I put a large rubbermaid bin in the greenhouse with soil as a substrate, a 60 watt incadescent bulb for heat, a flat heat rock buried under the soil. This is were she lived at night and during cool, wet days. I also had a 3' by 3' covered pen that sat in the grass. She spent most days outside in her pen, eating grass. I also grew her some trays of grass, but if she went a couple of days without grazing I would give her a leaf of romaine lettuce. I would say 90% of her food was grass and weeds with a few hibsicus and roses when avaliable. At about 3 she moved into a 4' by 8' pen with a house and start staying outside most of the year. At 5 she moved into a section of the backyard and took over our dogs house. Except for a occasional treat of veggies or lettuce she eats the grass, weeds and the fore mentioned flowers. I will try to post some new pics of her later today or tomorrow.
:I must say that thats the most beautifull sulcata i have ever seen! Not even a hint of pyrimiding. What ever your doing your doing it right. Sulcatas don't grow fast in the wild and no matter what some ppl think SLOW GROWTH IS GREAT! I would be very intrested in hearing more about your set up. Great Job!

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