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Pet store tortoises

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Posted by Brian-SFCRC on April 26, 2003 at 22:10:07:

In Reply to: Pet store tortoises posted by Passport on April 26, 2003 at 16:20:33:

:While we are on pet peeves I have to mention mine. I stopped in at at one my LFS and saw that they had two approx. 7" redfoot torts for sale. I was horrified to see that they were on sand, and that they had no water, and that the temperature was hot, hot, hot. They were keeping them like they keep their Sulcata babies. I hunted up three different employees and told them that the redfoot needed more humidity and should always have a water bowl available for soaking. They wouldn't even acknowledge my comments with much more than a "A Huh". Obviously irritated with me for being critical of their setup. Anyone who buys them will not be given the correct method of keeping them because they will try to copy the store setup. I felt sorry for the pityful torts. There was no hide for either of them and they were each tucked in at different corners of the tank. I left upset and thoroughly disgusted with such ignorant attitudes.

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