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Eddie, Eddie, Eddie.....

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Posted by TurtleyEnuff on April 25, 2003 at 07:51:17:

In Reply to: Blonde Leopard posted by EJ on April 23, 2003 at 09:19:46:

Don't you know how to stay outta trouble? Now your gonna crash the whole Blonde Leopard market! I had never heard that Blonde Leopards were a product of environment, but I think you're actually onto something. Have you observed this in any other animals? I have noticed that my albino Temple Turtles developed a definite dirty wash when kept under active UVB bulbs. End of that experiment! I wonder if this is the same mechanism at work. Interesting Momma always told me to stay away from blondes!
PS: Since I know you're a Pineland nut, just thought I'd let you know I was driving through the area recently and stopped at a little pond and was able to observe the rare and elusive Trachemys scripta elegans basking on a log. Argh!

:not to burst your bubble or anything but if you raise the tortoise outdoor where it is exposed to cooler temperatures than what you've been raising it at it will most likely develope more black. Conversly, if you pick up any leopard and raise it under the same conditions that you've been raising that one, you will have another 'Blonde' leopard.

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