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lonely tortoise?

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Posted by cagrlalwys on April 25, 2003 at 07:36:45:

In Reply to: lonely tortoise? posted by noori on April 24, 2003 at 22:55:41:

Well russians can do well with torts but then there are some that dont. It also very much depends on the space you can give them if you get another. My two get along very well and they are always together. Then there are some that will harass another russian and wont get along with them. Dont mix different species together. THAT IS A BAD IDEA! so you should get another russian if you have the space. And you can get another male for yours but they will fight if you introduce a female. If you could tell us what your setup is and how much space you can give for two that would be great. :)

:I've had my russian tort for almost three years and I'm wondering if I should get him a companion. If so, should I get another russian or will any other similarly-sized tortoise do? Would male or female be better, and if it was a female russian, would it be possible to keep them from mating? I'm away at school for much of the year and he does get looked after at home, but I wonder if he'd be happier with someone else to keep him company. I'm not sure yet if getting another tort is feasible right now but any answers would still be much appreciated! thanks

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