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shell damage?

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Posted by oregonlizardlady on April 23, 2003 at 01:31:09:

In Reply to: shell damage? posted by pochebear on April 22, 2003 at 10:37:45:

As long as your feeding george a proper diet now and there is no blood or discharge from the holes they should be fine. I dont think there is much you can do to help repair the damage. If they go throu the shell i would take him to the vet. You dont want them to get infected. I sure hope george dosent have another run in with a dog! Hes lucky to still have all his legs.

:George has what look to be small holes in the first layer or two of his shell. They're not deep, just chips off the top. He had them when we got him. We suspect that a dog where he prevously lived was picking him up and they might be teeth marks. You can see it in the picture, best example is just above his tail.
:They seem to be showing a bit of improvement, edges smoothing out and such. I wasn't too worried about it at first, seemed more important to figure out food and habitat and such first.

:But my question now is, what should I be doing to help repair this? He gets calcium on all his food, about 1/2 the time with D3 in it. He has a good UVB bulb and goes outside to play on the deck on nice days. Anything else I can do to help it recover faster?

:Thanks in advance.

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